Einbürgerungstest: Leben in DE

by DigBazar GmbH



We made the naturalization test app for you so that you can pass the LiD test. We also provide you with a large number of German newspapers. Its a free app with 460 questions and tests.This app is 100% free with no profit and made for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons license. Naturalization test 2022: Living in Germany testIncluding federal states special questions »Baden-WuerttembergBavariaBerlinBrandenburgBremenHamburgHesseMecklenburg-Western PomeraniaLower SaxonyNorth Rhine-WestphaliaRhineland-PalatinateSaarlandSaxonySaxony-AnhaltSchleswig-HolsteinThuringiaLiving in Germany app is here with 20 model test ...Features »»No internet connection required“Choose your state»10 questions per federal state, means 10 x 16 = 160 questions“300 normal questions»Example test